Nutrition - Training Tools - 3 Month Commitment
In-Store Only
Billed at $250/month for 3 months, our Training Tools program is designed to support athletes by: providing fueling recommendations for training. Pre, intra, & post-training recovery rec's based on athlete's unique needs.
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- 45 Minute Initial Consultation
- Bi-weekly follow-ups via phone or video (< /=20 min)
- Detailed evaluation of current training fuel plan
- Personalized pre-training fueling recommendations
- Personalized intra-training fueling recommendations
- Personalized recovery fuel recommendations
- Personalized sport nutrition product recommendations
- Personalized hydration /electrolyte protocols
- Modified sweat test analysis
- Dietitian Response within 24 hours (excludes Sa/Su)
- Evaluation & Monitoring of goals
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Nutrition - Training Tools - 3 Month Commitment

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